things you may not know about Seattle....

Jan 23, 2014 18:12

They have a several hundred metric @#$%-tonnes of Starbucks.

In case you were curious.

If you don't like fish, and more specifically salmon, do not move here. If you like fish, and more specifically salmon, definitely move/visit here. It is served everywhere. and it is ALL good.

I miss Molly and our babies. I talk to them every night on Skype, even Dinger let me know that I was missed by jumping up onto the desk and howling at the monitor. I go back for the 13th-17th of Feb, and Molly will fly out to look at houses in march, and I will fly back for Sean and Lena's birthdays in April, and then I go back in June for the pack and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG drive to Seattle. We're taking a "scenic" route across the US and Canada. (Scenic is in quotes because much of canada is flat farmland. not what I would describe as, "scenic.")

Well, I do like Seattle, definitely a different environment to live.

Oh, and the "Big Storm" that hit the East coast laid down about 2 inches of snow in our backyard. Schools were shut down, and Snowmen were made.

That's about it for this week.

Have Fun Storming the Castle!
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