May 27, 2004 21:26
It has been just one day. One day that I have had absolutely no contact with the girl that I love. I am in pain. I don't know how I will last these next 4 days with out talking or seeing her. I see her picture on my computer screen, on the side of my stereo, in my wallet and in my dreams. I am a man who has realized that this isn't just a love that comes and goes over and over again. This is a love that will come only once in a lifetime. I believe that love conquers all and that is exactly what is happening with me. Love has taken over my life. One person has made that much of an impact on my life. I can't explain why but I have pretty much abandoned all to be with this girl for as long as I can. I never thought that being away from her would be so hard for me. She is out on a cruise ship tonight partying with her cousins and her mom. I'm sitting here listening to my Puddle of Mudd CD and eating my Birthday Cake ice cream thinking about what she is doing right now out there on a cruise ship in the middle of the Carribbean Sea. This is pure torture. I don't know why I am acting like this but I am. I am almost to a breaking point. This is truly sad but I don't care because I have fallen and I have fallen hard for her. It's been two months and 8 days since she said yes to me. To most people, what I am doing right now is completely wrong because I haven't been with this girl long enough to feel this way. To those who know how I am, this is normal and they know how truly saddened I am by the fact that I am without her for these 5 days. I know that she will eventually read this or hear me read this to her. I have no idea how she will react to this display that I am putting on right now. To her it may be sweet or it could be just plain sad. I don't know how else to feel. I know that I am a strong willed person but one girl can do this to me. Believe me, if you were in my shoes right now, you would probably be feeling the same way that I do. Should I be out having fun tonight? Probably. Should I be acting this way? Well, that's your own opinion. It feels as if someone stole my most beloved thing in the world away from me. I feel as if I'm not complete right now. I wish that I could know that she is ok and that she is thinking of me right now. She probably is thinking of me right now but I don't know that because I'm not able to talk to her. In the past few weeks I have renewed my relationship with God. I have realized that my life isn't better than anyone else's. We all have our problems and we all are in pain at one time or another. I pray to Him that He will keep my baby safe and out of harm's way for the duration of the cruise and that He will bring her back to me safely. I believe that there is a name for the state that I am in right now. It is called "M.Y.G.S." (Missing Your Girlfriend Syndrome). I have it totally hardcore. What can I do? The only cure to this state is to see your girlfriend, go figure. Well, I'm sure by this far into this entry you believe that I truly am out of my mind so I'll let you off.
Lauren, I love you with everything that I am, baby. I don't know what day you are reading this on or listening to this on but you know that you are my world and without you I am nothing. I love you so much, baby!! ~ Ry