10 Things That Make Me A Geek...

May 29, 2010 16:01

I've been so busy lately that I feel that I'm neglecting my video game collection. I currently have a whole bunch of games that I haven't finished. There's also a couple that I haven't started yet, but that's mainly because my current PC is insufficient to play them. Damn you, multi-core gaming!

Anyway, in fitting with today being a day of doing sod-all useful, here is a meme I've pinched from WaywardRagdoll. Running a little late for Geek Pride Day, here are 10 things that make me a geek:

1. The subject of the opening statement to this post, my video game collection. One next-gen console (PS3), two previous gen ones (PS2 & Cube), four older consoles(NES, SNES, N64 and Master System), a mid-range PC and a DS lite. And a metric fuckton of games. Yes, they all count as one thing.

2. My middle initial is T. I tend to tell people who ask that it stands for Tiberius.

3. My flat has a whole bunch of geek paraphernalia including a blue Force-FX lightsabre, a 1/60 Wing Zero Custom and a wee TARDIS fridge.

4. I have over 350 DVDs (with box sets counting as one). Plus around 400Gb of downloaded crap.

5. I'm a keyboard obsessive. I have about five on the go at any one time, switching them about depending on which one I feel like typing with.

6. The other day I wrote "Borag Thungg, Earthlet" on someone's birthday card.

7. If I'm running late, I find myself often singing the White Rabbit's song.

8. I read TFWiki way too much (Damnmit, Shortpacked).

9. I got most of the Crichtonisms first time round (I used this for the rest).

10. I want to re-learn how to play the cello, mainly because of this.

There you are, ten reasons amongst many, many more.
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