Reading about
recently-announced proof for the existence of dark matter on the Washington Post website, I noticed this link in the sidebar: "
America's Top Pedophilia Scholar on the JonBenet Case". Wow. How'd you like to be known as "America's Top Pedophilia Scholar"? That must be a tough way to have people introduce you at parties. On the other hand,
the fellow's article makes some points about our media that I think are valid... and I guess it beats being America's Second-Best Pedophilia Scholar.
Also, much mind-love to
the VA Tech folks, who recently had a terrible action movie play out on their home turf. Thankfully, no students were hurt- which isn't to diminish those who were murdered, but I can imagine few fates more depressing than dying on the grounds of a school where one is receiving an education. Except of course for dying on the grounds of a school where one is failing to receive an education. Or
dying alone from cheese.
Wow, this post got emo quick. Also, my computer needs some more RAM in a bad way. Too bad that even once I finally get paid, I still won't have the money for it, because I'm shin-deep in debt to my parents. >:-/ That's enough for tonight, then. G'night, sleep tight, and stay safe, folks. Be happy 'n all. (Wow, I've suddenly swerved sharply into a deep love for all humanity. Weird.)