(no subject)

Oct 07, 2009 23:56

Title: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Author:  Saberivojo
Characters: Dean, Sam and Bobby
Warnings/Rating:  Gen.Some potty mouth...PG-13 
Summary: . Cowboy!Dean, Cowboy!Sam and Cowboy!Bobby.  And horses.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not getting paid. Just like playing with the boys.
darkmerrick   asked for the below prompt and I thought it was so cool that I had to try.
I really want fic with Dean on a horse. I'd LOVE for it to be in an apocalyptic setting, but not necessary. An explanation of lack of impala would be an added bonus but not necessary, eithe
oxoniensis Fandom Free All is going on and I just had to jump on the wagon.
chemm80 Thanks for putting up with me.  My lack of POV. You deserve a beta award.  Like an an academy award except much much better.  You are amazing.  Of course any mistakes are my own.


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