Destiny 'Verse (aka 'Team Winchester'): largely schmoopy AU based on the "Just Change One Thing" premise. Here, canon events take place as depicted in the pilot, up to when Sam returns to his apartment. However, Jess doesn't die; many canon events take place, though differently (and often, later).
1. There is a destiny that makes us brothers: AU surrounding events of Nightshifter -
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (Angsty),
Part 4,
coda to part 4 (short, best read with part 5 immediately following),
Part 5,
Part 6,
Part 7,
Part 8 (conclusion)[specific tags: lawyer sam, hurt Sam, married with kids, jessica, Sam/Jessica,pregnancy, wee!chesters]
2. Moments of Happiness: a series of one-shots grouped together by theme (tone varies according to the nature of the one-shots) -
Part 1,
Part 2[specific tags: jessica, drunk dean, Sam/Jessica, wedding]
3. Through a mirror cracked:
One Shot (Angsty, Pre-Series), for the
Evil Dean Ficathon[specific tags: cursed Dean, teen!chesters, wee!chesters]