Jul 07, 2008 20:42
all right so its been a while since i posted. i just didn`t have anything interesting to say and i still don`t but in the interest of filling up a page and giving you web surfers something to read i present to you
10) people who forget her birthday- it`s july 31, get her a present you bums.
9) vegetables- meats, sweets and treats are the only things that go in her mouth
8) driving- specificaly driving to see friends who live far away but never drive to visit her
7) reality tv- for a girl who watches approximately 50 hrs of tv a week she has a deep hatred of all things unscripted
6) guys wearing sandels- although i think its more of a case of her being so aroused by the sight of a pair of pasty legs inserted into some flattering footwear that she can`t handle it so she turns the lust to hate
5) the morning- word of warning DON'T WAKE HER BEFORE NOON (if you bring chocolate milk she may let you live) you`ve been warned
4) mmorpg- don`t know why but she REALLY doesn`t like these things. hmmm must be a good reason though.
3) guys who try to kiss her but instead blow snot on her- really fellows are you trying to turn her gay?
2) guys who steal her underwear and sell them on the internet- for prices and details e-mail bobbymcscooter@aol
1) robert zasso- top ten reasons she hates him
i) he`s a jerk
ii) he`s a jerky jerk
iii) he`s the jerkiest jerk to ever come to jerktown
iv) he cheats at boardgames
v) (see #8 above)
vi) he is so bossy
vii) he is constantly sabotaging her attempts to get laid
viii) uses her as slave labor at his house
ix) did i mention he`s a jerk?
x) he made her sleep on the floor like a dog