Mother &%$#@(

Nov 30, 2009 17:42

Monday November 30th, 2009

I spent the majority of the afternoon yesterday strolling in the park with Jamie discussing recent events. Also to head back to his apartment to paint my neck from the offending hickey. Also spent the day seeming too preoccupied to see boyfriend as offender wouldn't mask over my pale skin. Also slightly depressed over actions from previous night. Jamie is endless depressing as well. The evening definitely called for a Xanax and fresh bottle of Absolute chilling in Bradley's freezer. Especially after ridicule from roommate upon discovering the offender during tree trimming of apartment.

Bradley was driving home from Nashville and needed a cocktail as much as the rest of us. So after make-up retouch we headed of to the Metropolis in Midtown to begin our pregame in his so adorable penthouse apartment. After consuming several needed cocktails we moved our jaunt to Blakes where we managed to get tore up. (SHOCKER) Erick met up with us- was also appalled by offender. Luckily was drunk and didn't care much.

Eventually moved to Burkharts because in Fulton County bars close at 12:00 on Sundays and there is a bar across the street that if you get in before the doors close at midnight they will lock the doors turn off the open sign and let the patrons drink all night. Things got sidetracked. Upstairs talking with Erick when I received text message from Jamie downstairs...

Jamie: David is downstairs he saw us and is looking for you.

I looked at Erick and freaked. "look at my neck! look at my neck! he will kill me!"
I ran into him downstairs trying to make my exit and kinda just freaked. I made Erick take me home as soon as he went into the bathroom. I have major explaining to do tonight and I am not looking forward to it at all. I suppose I have nobody to blame but myself. I'm twenty five and I need to start growing up. Now all I have to do is figure out what version of the truth I should tell... (I am such a shady sketchy mother fucker) I cannot lose this relationship yet. I would be totally screwed. He practically pays for everything, my car, etc etc. Not to mention I cannot screw over Jeffrey. I promised him he could move to NYC for the promotion and that I will stay with him no matter what until the lease is over. Jeffrey and I determined we will tell an edited version of Saturday Evening's events. We are going to say I was too over served and not in my right mind and a little angry and started making out with a hot boy who had a little too much fun on my neck.

Wish me luck.
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