Shooting star.

Nov 25, 2008 19:59

Icons of the recent H magazine, really nice photography.
Very "H" XD;
No no, I don't mena hentai =~=);
Go smack your head if you gave it a thought. Hehe.

Feel free to use them for your personal use. ^___^)


Not icon bases, so don't edit. You'll probably just make it ugly > ~ < );;;;

Edit: A nobody made me think that using the word ugly's (from the text line before this..) a bit too harsh?
What I meant was "Don't use these as bases, they're just supposed to look like this,"
XD I'm going to eat macaroni now~ <3 Yay~!


Edit 2: On second thought, never mind my first edit paragraph that I did.
I'll say whatever I want in my journal and if you don't like i then know I really do not care about you.
Sorry for the many edits, its just an anonymous keeps commenting on my post
She's pretty mean for someone who says I'm not friendly. Haha.
If you're reading this, by which I know, you'll bother to...
Because you exist not only to bother people and saying very rude things to them.
Then know that if you think you are friendly, then, the whole world must be boiling in Hell.

1, :If you're going to use, then do comment~ ^__^)
2, You're not obliged to credit. I really do not care if you do.
3, For more icon click~~ !graphic: icons

[ Images found here  , you'll need to ask permission for access if you'd like to see the scanlations she shares. }

!graphic: icons

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