
Jul 26, 2004 20:59


[[Name]] Bobby fn Mcd
[[Birthday]] July 4th
[[Age]] 14
[[Astr0l0gical sign]] cancer i think. idk.
[[L0cati0n]] gilbert, azizzle
[[Sexual Preference]] The LADIES
[[Marital Status]] single...i guess
[[Current Hairc0l0r]] uhhh.. brownish...
[[Parents]] mom and dad?
[[Siblings]] my sister Katie, shes 15
[[Pets]] a rat named muffins and hes fat as sin.
[[What d0 y0u d0 f0r w0rk]] you dont wanna know..
[[How much d0 y0u make]] not that cheap AND easy.
[[Men/Woman]] what does this mean? i thought this was the same as se xual preference...w/e women.
[[Water/S0da]] sodizzle, mostly mountain dew.
[[Red/Blue]] bluizzle
[[D0gs/Cats]] Dogs but only small ones, like bens...or brittanys
[[Roses/Daisies]] Roses...CAROLINE!!!
[[Beer/Liqu0r]] beer...
[[B00ts/Sh0es]] shoizzles!!
[[Dark/Light]] Dark is a ton better..!
[[Day/Night]] Night is the best
[[ City/Country ]] idk what this means...
[[Animal]] i like dogs or panda bears..yay for china!!
[[S0da]] mountain DEW SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!
[[CD]] right now...hmmm...Taking Back Sunday!!!!
[[S0ng]] Set Phasers To Stun by TBS
[[M0vie]] Dude, Wheres My Car hahaha
[[Have tatt00s]] i wish..
[[Piercings]] Nope. oh well.
[[Have a b0yfriend/girlfriend]] HA no..
[[St0len anything]] a couple of times...more like a dozen or more, oh well nothing big.
[[Been married]] yeah, 4 times...i mean...
[[Been div0rced]] nope..
[[Are y0u psych0]] very, of course not stupid, gawd.
[[Been in l0ve]] not one bit.
[[Kept a secret fr0m every0ne]] not EVERYONE...but most people
[[Set a b0dy part 0n fire]] hahaha...i think the question should be which body part have you set on fire...then i could answer this part funnier....or w/e..but yes i have.
[[Had an imaginary friend]] too many to count...i remember george from 7th grad....i mean...
[[Called 0r seen a psychic]] why would i do THAT?!?! god.
[[G0tten in a car ]] one small happy.
[Wear eye shad0w]] no, what do you think i am?!?! GAY?!?! GOTHIC?!?! god.
[[Crush]] sorta, idk a little.
[[D0 you have a best friend]]my band and my ladies and thomas, and zach.
[[Wh0 d0 y0u g0 t0 f0r advice]] my band, or lisa or megan or brittany.
[[Who kn0ws all your secrets]] my band i think, maybe lisa. idk.
[[Are y0u smart]] idk, i think i am very logical, and little "street-smart"
[[D0 y0u wear glasses]] HA of course not
[[D0 y0u wear c0ntacts]] HAHAHHA no.
[[Braces?]] no i am perfect...
[[D0 y0u sn0re?] no, but eric does...really loud.
[[D0 y0u dr00l?]] a little, eric drools a lot, i feel bad for his future wife...
[[D0 y0u talk in your sleep?]] a lot i guess..and i walk in my sleep.
[[D0 y0u like t0 dance?]] hahaha only for laughs.
[[D0 y0u like t0 sing?]] i love to sing, and i do it in front of people sometimes.
[[D0 y0u like t0 talk 0n the ph0ne?]] sometimes...
[[D0 y0u like where y0u live?]] i love where i live.
[[Is your r00m messy right now?]] IS MY ROOM MESSY NOW?!?! WHEN IS IT NOT MESSY?!?!
[[Are you 0rganized?]] what is this word, organized?
[[D0 you sleep with a stuffed animal?]] A STUFFED ANINAL?!?! how bout how many..i mean. no of course not.
[[Are you shy?]] yes. a lot.
[[Do you have a sense of humor?]] i guess sooo, ppl laugh around me at least.
[[Do you have a secret crush on your dentist?]] yeah, that arab dentist is a hottie.
[[Have you ever thought you were gonna die?]] yes, but i was wrong i guess.
[[Are you left- or right-handed?]] LEFTY REPRESENT!!
[[What's your middle name?]] EDWARD
[[How many personalities do you have?]] cant you only have 1? idk, i only have 1. w/e
[[What are you allergic to?]] retards, so stay away from me
[[Most embarrassing moment?]] i dont get embarrassed a lot, i forget them anyways..
[[Best day of your life?]] the day that me lisa, megan and brittany had a threesome in the bathroom, i mean... haha so kidding!!

ok, im done...those are a pain. w/e cya. and you know...COMMENT MAYBE!!! haha cya.
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