Jul 27, 2004 12:10
I will either remove or lessen contact with bad influences in my life. Basically these are people & things that lead me into the dark gray areas of life's desires that are so tempting, yet cause the most damage.
Panning wide here: Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! Remove toxins from my body. How? Organic Raw Vegan...yes, an experiment with GBS, but I'm giving it a try.
Struggle: Coffee, alcohol.
To combat: Pray!! Replace with tea, read, listen to music I haven't listened to yet, compose, practice, clean!
Stop being so bored with life!! Can you honestly complain about anything? We're the richest country, state...blah. How lame am I to be so selfish.
Everybody has their problems, struggles, issues. When you're with someone, you have to either accept the struggle, or always be left feeling a failure yourself, or like the other person needs to change. Well, that doesn't happen unless there's divine intervention. God. Yeah, that's what I'm dealing with right now. It doesn't matter how much you love a person, that love won't change them...won't even help them.
Wake up! Help yourself. I'm preaching to the choir here? Okay, then crap is totally hitting my fan today. All hypocrits unite! I'll be the team leader!
CRAP! What was it about 3 years ago that kicked my butt into shape? And what is it now that has me in it's grips? I want 3 years ago...such an inspiration!! Cleansing will happen soon...as soon as I get some $$, time to prepare, & the strength spiritually...well, I already got that. Just a short step to the left, and I'm there.
Cryptic? Yes. But this is my LJ, so there.