May 06, 2006 14:31
An odd week... tues was expecting a call from Coffee Club at 10am... didnt get it at all, felt sick whinge whinge etc But that really shat me off!
Wed morning was weird waiting for my bus... damn depressing Burt Bacharach (sp?) made me really depressed :S I haven't felt like that since With or Without You! And mum says my music is depressing...
Gots me posters of Nightmare Before Christmas and the Smiths <3 They had the most gorgeous Corpse Bride poster EVER!!! Was in black & white, sketches of the characters. Utterly amazing! But i had already wasted $20 on posters :P
Thurs went shoppig with Nuka, twas fun... next time i'm getting a boost juice/gloria jeans coffee my name will be Jesus Christ, Superstar!
Fri took the day off, fell in love with the face of a cavalier beagle cross, got 2 commie jackets (1 for smush) for $50 considering they were $60 each... LOGIC!!! Also went 2 whitfords JB & gots me Beethoven Was Death :D
Oh yeah, got the coffee club call, have my interview Monday :D Can't wait! Already compiling a list of things i am to buy when i get my job... basically a bunch of cds, a car, a puppy, herbert crabs and an axilotyl(cant spell)
Dockers are winning the derby :(
Going out with Nuka tonight to a 21st of someone I dodnt kno... kinda sux coz Katie wanted me to work, & i desperatley need the money, but i havent been out for so long, and i wont let nuka go by herself
In other news the squidcow got an interview with Garth Tander...pretty special!