Apr 27, 2006 18:10
And so i'm back... from outerspace... etc
Break?? What break??? Involved:
Going out ONCE 2 Metros
Big good friday dinner :D
Buba breaking her hip
Easter lunch of microwavable soup which Tallulah spilt on my lap
A visit from Erin
And that in a nutshell was it!
Monday i finished the assignment hrs b4 it was due, studied & watched Anchorman :D
Tues I studied
Wed I got wet waiting 4 the 99 by action holding my lab coat over my head, with all the people driving past going "Why does that girl have a labcoat on her head???", then i got even wetter walking to my lab, the steph drove me 2 QE2 & parked in the cancer council car park due to the permit she has as her friend's mum is a recovered breast cancer patient, then i failed my test (but i kno i have at least 20% :D), then i broke Peanut's volumetric flask twice and reuined her biochem experimwent once, then gig and tallulah slept over
Today Peanut came round after uni, went to karrinyup & watched wolf creek
Poor Nala refuses to come out of the garage!
In other news I hate stress!
This weekend involves dryandra :S twill be craaaaaaaaaaaaaappy!