Journal Entry

Jul 01, 2016 16:45

Today was a day of almost total empty mindedness.  No bliss perhaps, but certainly nearly complete silence.  I did not put in my hearing aids, which "helped."  Other than that, the silence came spontaneously and stayed for hours.  I took breaks for lunch and to write some checks.  I could not remember how to subtract 9 from 17 (and just now had a hard time spelling "lunch."  I don't think it is demential unless that is defined by movement away from the material world.  When this happened a few days ago it was unpleasant.  Today it is neither pleasant nor unpleasant.  It does feel like what detachment might feel like.  Right now i am not going to talk about this or think about it.  Maybe later.

Loving kindness, peace, compsssion, and joy.

personal life, emptiness

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