What Is the Reason We're Here?

May 29, 2016 18:22

...What is the reason we are here?

-Jerry McGovern, Buellton, California

I think it depends on your spiritual beliefs. If you have a religion, it provides the answer. But if you don’t believe in a god, the question contradicts your thinking. Having a reason implies having a purpose, which indicates an intelligent being (or cognitive power, etc.) with intent. That’s what people call a god. So if you don’t believe a god exists, you can’t believe a reason exists. You must settle for assuming we got here through some natural process, and that’s that.

--Marilyn von Savant.

What Is the Reason We're Here?

Put a very important question
to a very intelligent person
and you will get an answer
that comes very close to being no answer.

Yet i think it is the right answer
even though it is no answer,
and it can be a satisfying answer
if i think about it long enough.

Every human being
is born into a society
that has a culture.
and every culture exists
(according to some anthropologists)
to answer 4 questions:
Who are we?
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?  and
Why are we here/

The answers seem different,
so different that some of us
are willing to kill others of us
because of those differences,
(Or maybe that's just an excuse.)

Implied in the question "why are we here?"
There is a second question:
What do we do about it?
And the answer to this question
is not a non-answer
but a very specific answer.

No matter who we think we are.
no matter where we think we come from,
no matter where we think we're going, and
no matter why we think we are here.

We are expected, in almost every culture
to treat each other well.

tonglen, taoism, eightfold path, toward compassion, sermon on the mount

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