A Couplet On Love, By Rumi

Aug 30, 2015 13:24

“There is no Love greater than Love with no object.
For then you, yourself, have become love, itself.”

-- Rumi

Thank you to bardcat
Rumi, Pema Chodron, My Daughters & Bobby Schuller - Traveling on Grace Street...

This would be the purest love.
It will usually seem unrequited.
while being  most requited.
The lover will feel alone and lonely
while having everything--
which is no thing.

Love of God is love  of no thing.
Mystics deny thingness to God
or God withholds his thingness from them.
So the loneliness is sweet
and the aloneness is perfection.

sufism, love, toward compassion, contemplation, mysticism, perennial philosophy, via negitiva, the pathless path, sacred poetry, perspective, spiritual practice, meditation, rumi, emptiness

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