Dark matter is thought to be responsible for sculpting the glowing sheets and tendrils of galaxies that make up the large-scale structure of the universe-yet nobody knows what it is.
Dark energy is even more mysterious; the term, coined to denote whatever is accelerating the rate at which the cosmos expands, has been called a “general label for what we do not know about the large-scale properties of our universe.”
Hidden Cosmos - National Geographic Magazine I have always. as an adult agreed with Sociologist mystic Max Weber and Paleoanthropologist mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin that a religion or a philosophy should be compatable science -- religion and philosophy should not cling to assertions which science can disprove.
Ever since reading Fritzhof's The Tao of Physics i have had to conclude that neither German
Reformed Protestantism* nor Roman Catholicism** nor any specific religion or philosophy meets that criterion. What does continue (and perhaps will continue so long as consciousness exists) to be comptable with science is the mystery and the wonder in all religions and the perennial philosophy which honors that mystery and awe and offers wisdom about how we ought to act in the face of it.
* Weber's mother was a member of the Reformed Church.
** Chardin was a Roman Catholic priest.