Dorothy Walters - The Abundance of Brightness (Fragments)

Jun 13, 2015 15:05

The Abundance of Brightness

by Dorothy Walters

God is not unknown on account of obscurity
     but on account of the abundance of brightness.
          -- St. Thomas Aquinas

Dante Mounting to the Rose of Heaven

Not one of us
could breathe this air,
face this naked radiance
Here music turns to light,
a tone so sweet
that we, dulled by
our familiar calliope,
mistake its sound for silence.

at the end
the shouts rang out
like birth-cries in the throats
of the startled pilgrims, blinded
by the flare of torches sweeping
from frames of darkness.
Then silence. Then they saw.....

-- from Marrow of Flame : Poems of the Spiritual Journey, by Dorothy Walters
Poetry Chaikhana | Dorothy Walters - The Abundance of Brightness

So "light" is the "sound" we imagine to be "silence"?

words, sacred poetry, silence

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