May 10, 2015 12:03
Poweful people in the East
speak a language of humility.
They act, though, like the powerful everywhere--
privileged, arrogant, prideful, mean, and violently
when things don't go their way.
The "nobility" that Taoist speak of
is the nobility of the soul;
and Buddhists say everybody has it
as a part of their true nature.
Jesus said: "The last will be first."
Maurin said: "Try to be last."
But maybe trying to be last is just
another way of trying to be first?
-- a "humbler than thou" attitude?
To believe that we are perfect, and see
imperfection is a figment of unclear minds,
is seeking to be first, humbly,
while asking all creaturers along for the ride.
If all is One
there is no second class.
i won't be proud of my humility,
but humble in my pride.