Happy Birthday Catholic Worker Newspaper

May 07, 2015 17:20

The paper was sold on the streets of New York City beginning in May of 1933.  The price was one cent.  Even though the writing, editing, and distribution was done with volunteer labor, it still cost fifty-seven dollars to print the first issue of 2000 copies.  So each copy cost three cents to produce and sold for one cent.  (And i can imagine people giving copies away to those who did not have a cent.)  I would call this "Buddhist economics," though i'm sure those responsible for it would have called it Christian.

I started reading the paper sporadically about sixty years ago.  Thirty-one years ago i was given a subscription and i have recieved, and usually read, every issue since then. The friend who gifted me with the subscription died three years ago, so i'm sure it is not currently being paid  for.  I figure i owe for thirty years.

Even though the paper sells (now as in 1933) for one cent.  The annual subscription rate is twenty-five cents for seven issues.  That extra eighteen cents must be the penalty one pays for having an address (another example of Buddhist economics).

So i will be sending the paper a check for seven dollars and fifty cents.  Since i expect to be reading it ten years from now, i might as well go ahead and write it for ten dollars,  Oh, hell, i like their attitude, i'll make it out for more,

catholic worker

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