What Is Advaita or Nonduality?

Sep 06, 2014 14:11

What is Advaita or Nonduality?
- by Dennis Waite

"So, Swami-ji, what would you say that Advaita is?" The eager young woman (asked)....
"It simply means ‘not two' - the ultimate truth is nondual," replied the Sage,.

She continued to wait for further elucidation before beginning to write but it soon became apparent that the answer had been given. "But is it a religion? Do you believe in God, for example?"

"Ah, well, that would depend upon what you mean by those words, wouldn't it?" he responded, irritatingly. "If, by ‘religion', you mean does it have priests and churches and a band of followers who are prepared to kill non-believers, then the answer is no. If, on the other hand, you refer to the original, literal meaning of the word, namely to ‘bind again', to reunite the mistaken person that we think we are with the Self that we truly are, then yes, it is a religion. Similarly, if by ‘God' you mean a separate, supernatural being who created the universe and will reward us by sending us to heaven if we do what He wants, then the answer is no. If you use the term in the sense of the unmanifest, non-dual reality, then yes, I most certainly do believe in God."
What Is Advaita or Nonduality?

he who loses his life will save it., notes for a wayless journey, religion, non-duality

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