Let the flame of anger free you of all falsity.-- John O'Donohue
Poetry Chaikhana | John O'Donohue - For Presence This line from O'Donohue's poem, "For Presence," stopped me cold.
It seems incongruous in this poem filled with obvious blessings.
Maybe the line belongs exactly where it is placed in this poem.
I am starting to see that, but not quite seeing or understanding it.
How can the flame of anger rid me of all falsity?
I am an angry man! This is not something i like about myself.
I am glad that my anger is my own, that i don't simply get angry
at things people tell me i should get angry at.
But the anger itself does little for me,
and nothing for anybody else.
And "righteous" anger seems even uglier than that rooted in fear.
Perhaps the flame of anger burns only itself, like a match lit in the sand?
But there always seems to be plenty of tinder about.
And the flame of my anger has burned relationships
and serenity, and silence.