Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi - I lost my world, my fame, my mind

Sep 30, 2013 11:14

I lost my world, my fame, my mind --
The Sun appeared, and all the shadows ran.
I ran after them, but vanished as I ran --
Light ran after me and hunted me down.

-- from The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, by Andrew Harvey
Poetry Chaikhana | Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi - I lost my world, my fame, my mind

I wish.....
I wish i could see that the "sun" has appeared and that all the shadows have run.
I know that i cannot distinguish the phenomenal from the Noumenon..
But i wish i could distinguish the ephemeral from the essential.
I ought to be able to do this,
since Lao Tse, the Buddha, Jesus...and Rumi
have all told me how.  I wish i would listen.

buddhism, zen taoism, gnosis and agnosis, sermon on the mount, he who loses his life will save it., sacred poetry, taoism, rumi, generic meditation issues, zen, gratitude

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