Tao Te Ching Meditation - Chapter 58: Moderation

Mar 09, 2013 14:47


58.1 When the government is unobtrusive,
       the people are pure.
       When the government is invasive,
       the people are wanting.
58.2 Calamity is what fortune depends upon;
       fortune is what calamity subdues.
58.3 Who knows how it will all end?
       Is there no right and wrong?
       The orthodox also becomes the unorthodox,
       the good also becomes ill;
       people's confusion is indeed long-standing.
58.4 Therefore sages are upright without causing injury,
       honest without hurting,
       direct but not tactless,
       illuminated but not flashy.
Tao Teh Ching - Cleary Translation


Here is another reminder of the basic facts of life.  Things are not what they seem to be, and even if they were they would surely change.  It is unpeacfull to have opinions about too many things or to hold on to any opinion too strongly.
Beneath the apparent turmoil which causes so much stress, there is an underlying quiet.  Even earthquakes and volcanic eruptions begin only a few miles beneath our feet, and perhaps there would be fewer of them if we did not require so many reminders that we are not in charge.  Like two year olds, we reject discipline which only makes matters worse.

Most of the trouble is caused by our individual and collective misjudgments and mistaken actions.  And we have pretty much convinced ourselves that bad actions are better than no action when the truth is that no action is better than good action.  But this chapter asks: is anything better than anything else?  Then it suggests that the question has no answer.

Then the chapter suggests to the wise (and to the wisdom within each of us) that a "middle way" of modesty, mercy and moderation is the key to behaving well in the face of life's mysteries (and surely life itself is a mystery);  Here are some specifics:

Cast a penumbral light on the truth you think you know.
Mix kindness and mercy with your honesty.
Try to make your point without sticking it into people
Be upright without becoming a prude.*

Prayer:  Holy Loving: I am not a ruler, but i have within me nobility as spiritual people define it.  I do not recognize this nobility within me.  Help me see it.  Amen.


* prude used to be just a shortened form of the term meaning "virtuous woman"  Unfortunates so many outwardly "virtuous" people are so annoying that they have given "prudes" and other virtuous people a bad name.

humility, love, meditation, tao te ching, modesty

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