Tao Te Ching: Chapter 44 - Knowing How to Live

Dec 29, 2010 08:18

Fame or self: Which matters more?
Self or wealth: Which is more precious?
Gain or loss: Which is more painful?

He who is attached to things will suffer much.
He who saves will suffer heavy loss.
A contented man is never disappointed.
He who knows when to stop does not find himself in trouble.
He will stay forever safe.

Daily Tao - October 27th, 2009

What is the pain, loss, disappointment and insecurity
that the wise avoid?
It is the negativity of departure from the Way
For the wise know
that, if in this moment, there is peace,
that cannot be taken away,

The safety of the wise is deep.
it is in the bones, in the neurons
In a deep knowledge that is beyond wisdom
we know the Tao will never let us down.

We may depart from it;
it does not depart from us.

That sounds like Allah, like God, like Buddha nature
Like the great spirit.  Sure, why not?
Call it what you want.
A Taoist calls it Tao.
Otherwise she would not be a Taoist.


Power of love in the universe,
keep me safe from the illusion of safety
and from the fear of fear.  Amen
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