-- Slept in your bed: You ...
-- Saw you cry: I don't think anyone ever....
-- Made you cry: .....
-- You shared a drink with: Share a drink? WTF, get your own drink!
-- You went to the movies with: It's been so long that I don't remember
-- You went to the mall with: .... Psht, nothing interesting at a mall
-- Yelled at you: ... In a serious fashion, I can't remember
-- Sent you an email: Plymouth State University ....
-- You kissed: Your mom...
-- Said "I Love You" and meant it? .. I thought I meant it ...
-- Gotten in a fight with your pet? .. What kind of freak gets into a fight with their pet?
-- Been to New York: .. At least 20 times. I <3 NY
-- Florida:.. Several times
-- California: .. Hell, I was born there. But I haven't been there since I was 3 or so.
-- Hawaii: .. I'll skip on that. Flying 15 hours to get to a seething hot island with an active volcano ain't my idea of a vacation.
-- Mexico: .. Bad water
-- China: .. SARS
-- Canada: .. Numerous times...
-- Danced naked: .. ... I was reeeeeally drunk you see >_> (That's a joke, people. I haven't danced naked... publicly)
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: .. My dreams are all psychotically insane, so if it did come true, we'd all be fucked...
-- Wish you were the opposite sex: .. Fuck no.
-- Had an imaginary friend: .. You.
-- Things you like in a girl/guy: .. Can you carry a conversation for more than 5 minutes? Then you're cool.
-- Do you have a crush on someone: .. No
-- What book are you reading now: .. the Dictionary .. by Webster, it's good you should all give it a listen.
-- Worst feeling in the world: .. Betrayal
-- What is the first thing you think when you wake up: .. How bout them Yankees
-- Future daughter's name: .. Moon Unit
-- Future son's name: .. Blanket
-- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: .. What am I, a pansy? (further commentary not necessary from the peanut gallery)
-- What's under your bed: .. an entire lost civilization no doubt.
-- Favorite sport to watch: .. Pro Hoops, Pro Baseball, Pro Football, Pro Hockey, College Hoops, College Football, College Hockey, Men's Tennis, Women's Tennis, whatever's on ESPN at the time
-- Siblings: 4, and they're all of the female gender ... (All pity directed this way please)
-- Location: .. Directly underneath the tear in the ozone layer... known as L-Town
-- College plans: .. Not Lyndon State, most likely Plymouth State to double-major in English and Music. Huzzah...
-- Piercings/tattoos: .. Negative, though the latter may come soon.
-- Boyfriend/Girlfriend: .. You
-- Who is your best friend: .. There is no singular best friend in my life, but instead comprised of at least 10 very good friends .. and having me choose between them is retarded...
-- What are you most scared of: .. Failing at life...
-- What clothes do you sleep in: .. clothes? [think about that and try to sleep tonight] ... [So maybe a shirt and boxers are involved, but still...]
-- Where do you want to get married: .. In a bowling alley..
-- Who do you really hate: .. Oh, there are a number people who I can't stand... Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, Ashlee Simpson for being a corporate no-talent bitch, Tom Brady and Tedy Bruschi of the Patriots for just general doucebaggery, .. Trot Nixon, Curt Schilling, Kevin Millar, Bronson Arroyo, Matt Mantei, and any other motherfucker on the Red Sox who's flapping their jaw on and on and on and not just shutting the fuck up... ... But most of the time, the person I hate the most is myself.
-- What type automobile do you drive: My baby... 99 Ford Escort. I love my car, but god I don't respect it.
-- Do you have a job: .. I'm working on it. I might have one by the end of tonight as a matter of fact...
-- Do you like being around people: .. Fuckin a, right!
-- Are you for world peace: .. World peace will never happen. There's nearly 6 billion people sitting on this planet, there is no feasible possible way that you will get 6,000,000,000 people to all agree on one thing. Never. Ever. Case closed. Period. World peace cannot happen.
-- Are you a health freak: .. Psht. Shit no...
-- Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: .. I personally believe that I don't have a chance with anyone anymore, not that I ever did. I'm self-esteem is shot to shit, so... That's that.
-- Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: .. ... maybe
-- Do you have a "type": .. No
-- Want someone you don't have right now: .. Kind of, but not really. Sort of one of those "What if..." type deals, but it's nothin worth pining over.
-- Are you lonely right now: .. Quite...
-- Ever afraid you'll never get married: .. Actually no, not yet. Ask me again when I'm 35 and in this situation
-- Do you want to get married: .. Eventually.
-- Do you want kids: .. Eventually
-- Room in house: .. My jam room...
-- Type(s) of music: .. Vintage rock/Grunge/Post-Grunge/Hard-Rock
-- Band: .. Oh, you didn't just ask me that.... ... (top 20 style)
01-Rage Against the Machine
04-Local H
06-Stone Temple Pilots
07-Red Hot Chili Peppers
09-Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
10-Alice in Chains
11-Queens of the Stone Age
12-White Stripes
15-Led Zeppelin
17-System of a Down
18-Smashing Pumpkins
19-Foo Fighters
-- Color: .. PUCE! .. or dark green
--. Perfume or cologne: ... You know, I'm going to sue the Axe company. Not once have I been raped by a woman yet in their commercials. Fuck them.
-- Month: .. July
-- Cried: ... Not even in the last 48 months
-- Bought something: .. an Alice in Chains cd.. w00t
-- Gotten sick: .. Again, not even in the last 48 months
-- Sang: .. Actually yes. I like singing in my car..
-- Said "I Love You": .. I haven't said it in the correct context in a long time...
-- Wanted to tell someone you loved them: .. Love is a tricky thing..
-- Met someone new: ... Actually, yes...
-- Moved on: .. From?
-- Talked to someone: .. Who goes 48 hours without talking to someone? Honestly. That's some creepy kind of hermit action there.
-- Missed someone: .. Yes :(
-- Hugged someone: .. ... Yeah, sorta
-- Kissed someone: .. Negative
-- Fought with your parents: .. No, but if my cell phone doesn't activate again soon, my dad will get an earful, that's for sure.
F I R S T S.
--First best friend: .. Vincent, way back in kindergarten in Philadelphia..
--First car: .. a 92 Ford Tempo (aka: a big white dildo)
--First date: .. Jen... 9th grade...
--First real kiss: .. Jen
--First Self purchased album: .. Who the fuck remembers that?
--First funeral: .. That I can remember, my Grandma Pearl's when I was 7. And I can name about 6 other funerals I've been to as well. If you ask me, that's about 6 too many.
--First pet: Two cats, Midnight and Terror. ... And Terror is still tickin', the old man that he is...
--First piercing/tattoo: .. xxxx
--First credit card: .. Heh, I'd be dangerous with one, but I don't have one, and don't want one yet.
--First true love: .. All these firsts about love are always going to be Jen, so stop asking...
--First enemy: .. Couldn't tell you, I've never had that many...
--First musician you remember hearing in your house: .. Garth Brooks >_<
L A S T S.
--Last cigarette: .. Psht. Smoking's for fools
--Last car ride: .. the last good one was on Sunday when I went to pick up Bopha from UNH
--Last good cry: .. Cant' remember.
--Last library book checked out: .. Pshhhht. To hell if I remember...
--Last movie seen: .. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, this afternoon... Shnoogins...
--Last beverage drank: .. Blue Gatorade (... which is better than Cytomax :P)
--Last crush: .. Crushes are for little giggly middle school girls
--Last phone call: .. I don't remember, my phone's been cut for over a week now >_<
--Last time showered: .. This afternoon...
--Last CD played: .. Local H's "As Good As Dead"
--Last annoyance: .. Being broke (that seems to be a frequent annoyance though)
--Last disappointment: .. ..... Being broke.. >_>
--Last shirt worn: .. (Do you honestly care?) .. My Thrice t-shirt.
--Last word you said:.. (Ok, this is getting a bit ridiculous with the questions) ... "Fuck"
F U T U R E.
--Where do you want to go?: .. Far away
--Your career going to be?: .. Musical journalist
--Going to live?: .. not here
--Do you want any kids?: .. eventually
C U R R E N T S.
--Current mood: .. Anxious to get this fucking thing over with, anxious to get to Calista's house for a get-together tonight..
--Current taste: .. Worst question ever...
--Current clothes: .. Dartmouth t-shirt with blue jeans (whoa...)
--Current longing: .. To kill whoever makes stupid surveys...
--Current favorite artist: .. current favorite and always going to be favorite, Rage Against the Machine...
--Current book you're reading: .. re reading The Hunt for the Red October (<3 Clancy)
--Current time: .. 5:41 PM
W H A T S.
--What's in your CD player?: .. I have 5 cd players ...
computer: Metallica's Ride the Lightning
boombox: Rage Against the Machine's Live and Rare
in my car: i think Rammstein's Mutter is still in there
in my room: I think I left Red Hot Chili Peppers' Greatest Hits on pause, now that I think about it
portable cd player: Soundgarden's A-Sides
--What color socks are you wearing?: .. what socks?
--What color of underwear are you wearing: .. Wouldn't you liek to know? :-P
--What time did you wake up today?: 10:41