Comic Mischief... what else would you expect?

Oct 31, 2004 23:39

Man, this set your clocks back thing has really thrown me out o' whack today x_x



When pulling into L-Town, I was given voice mail by Ryan that he was "being assaulted by 3 women"... and to call Cassie so I could go hang out. After getting some dinner, I arrived at casa de Cassie to hang out with her, Ryan, Bope, and Laura. Watched the majority of "Mulan"... while I prodded at how I could be sitting there and watching it. But meh...
7:00 rolled around and I decided to venture to the school with Bopha and Ryan to regail in the glory days and return to drama. Fortunately for me, everyone was pretty glad to see me, which is really cool knowing that you're loved and missed. Unfortunately for them though, Sundman was in real bitch mode. Though, granted that it almost never turns off >_>. The play is next week, which I'm enthralled to go see.


After school let out, I accompanied Bope to Wal Mart for a little errand in adjusting her costume for the evening's halloween dance. That was interesting enough... . We called Ryan and told him to meet us at Subway for some dinner, to which he obliged. Enjoyed the subliness of Subway with their company. Got dropped off, then shortly after made my way up to Ryan's for the night. He and his dad were moving and arranging things in the garage, so I helped them move the pool table from one end of the garage to the next, where we would now have our get-togethers (the heated side :) ). Pete came as well. We spent the night snacking on Doritos, chugging Dew, and watching Star Wars episode 1. Since Ryan had to work early the next day, we left early.
The night didnt end. Shortly after I arrived back at my house, Tuity IMd me saying we needed to do something, even if it was just cruisin' around. So that's what we did. I put 5 bucks worth of gasoline into my car, picked Tuity up, and we were off. I had brought my laptop with me because "I couldn't pick out just the right cruisin' tunes". So Tuity supplied the music selection nearly the entire night. He told me that Bope wanted me to pick up my camera at her house.. so that was the first stop. Not only did I pick up my camera, but we picked up an extra passenger as Bopha said she wanted to join the ride. Word. So now we're three-deep in my car, just drivin' around every spot in Littleton, mostly the backroads. I drove from one end Littleton the next, hopping on and off the freeway, driving down the darkest back roads. At one point, I went on Mt. Eustis Road and turned onto Cyr Road until I ended up coming out in the outskirts of Bethlehem. All the time, recanting tales of good times, old jokes, good stories, and just a general good time. It was awesome. Ironically, the same time that my laptop's battery was about to die was the time that I dropped the two of them off. We drove for over 90 minutes, going 44 miles all on backroads...


Moving day continued at Ryan's. We loaded some of his broken arcade games that infested the garage into his truck, then drove them to "the barn" on South Street. It was weird riding in the back of the truck, yet entertaining as hell with Pete there too.
Not much else happened that night... After that, we came back to the house to watch Star Wars Episode 2, which then led us to go back to the garage and re-enact certain battle scenes... only sans the light sabers and replaced with big sticks. I felt like I was 10 again... it was great. A couple rounds of pool later, and we were out of there.


--All Hallow's Eve--

The day was mundane enough. Like I said, the shift in "setting your clock back an hour" really threw me off. The day was boring... guitaring around, on the computer, here and there errands, football.
5:00 is when it all got interesting. I went up to Tuity's to prepare for our planned evening. We first drove to McDonalds for some foodage ( :\ ) then back to his house to watch some of the Pats/Steelers game. 6:00 rolls around, and we're out the door headed for "The Trail" (a forested area that connects Tuck Lane and *insert other street here*). Tuity's brother, Fill, had planned manhunt with all his friends. Tuity and I planned on crashing their party ... with eggs. We crept into an area, and just began launching eggs wherever we saw a flashlight. Unfortunately for us, the next 20-30 minutes, we were staked out waiting for them to come by (but to our later knowledge, we found out they had jumped ship from manhunt and simply left). There were a couple of close calls though. The po-po kept rearing their ugly heads into The Trail... the closest call of all was when a group of trick or treaters passed through (with their parental units, mind you)... and they had flash lights.. and they were shining them all over the place. But they passed, which was muy bien. After that, we both got out from our positions and walked out of area. Tuity told to put my eggs down, to which I did... Tuity is a genius, because as we walked out, an officer was right there... walking right into the trail. Brilliant.
We walked around, looking for Fill and his friends, but to no avail. We did find Beth (B.), Jess (M.), Elyce, Whitney, and Katie (D.) all trick-or-treating as "star wars action figures". Also saw Keith and Jeremy along with others from school (most of whom I don't think much of). We caught up with Keith for a couple minutes. Turns out that he's going to be on the Dean's list at Johnson and Wales, which is impressive. If you knew Keith, you'd know that that's quite a turnaround since his high school days. We continued to search for Tuity's brother for the next half hour until we finally see him... We tag team with him to find the rest of his group, which doesn't take that long. A little fraternizing, and we finally headed back to Tuity's house to get ready to head back to Lyndonville.
With the eggs we had remaining, Tuity hucked them at the signs along the freeway. Amusing.

I'm beat as hell now, though...

EDIT: It's come to my attention that 3 pictures from the weekend have surfaced.

Holly, the hooker-fairy
Yeehaw, Bopha
A slew of masquerading amigos

tuity, ryan, bopha, halloween, pete, lhs, lsc, hollis

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