Hit that...

May 29, 2004 22:49

I thought weekends were supposed to be for a little R & R... certainly not this weekend...


After a tossing and turning all night fretting about how I was going to get x-number of hours of community service done over the weekend, I woke up and went to school. I went to see Mrs. Reitsma during music tech to ask how many I needed to have done by the 1st. After a quick calculation, she told me 9 and a half... 9 and a half! This after spending all night worrying over the assumption I needed 13 and a half... but no, 9.5.. that was more conceivable. So, I spent most of the rest of the day thinking about where I could volunteer. But.. more on that later...
I finally handed in my money for Blue Man Group trip that's on Sunday. Better late than never, i guess... I'm going to hand in my permission slip right as we get on the bus though... ^_^

Anywho, bell rings and I'm going to help finish up the set work that was after school... Work on fixing the roofs of all the houses, painting, reapplying shingles, etc... We wrap up at 5:15... [6.5 hours left] and Chris says "Ok, everyone let's go to Subway to celebrate the completion of the set." .. But alas, I have no money so I'm just like "No, I'll wait..." ... In what was sure to be the only act of benevolence I've ever... ever... see a Sundman show, Chris says "I don't want you to have nothing to eat until 8:00..." .. So she buys me a sub... w00t... good free food.. rock on... rock on...

After the trip to Subway, the people that worked on set head back so we can have rehearsal now... 5:30-7:30... yeah, things go their usual "unclean-unclean!" way for me... After drama gets over, Bopha and I head down to Wal Mart to pick up some gifts of the birthdayness for Christine, seeing it was her birthday... But I was one poor fuck.. I had to borrow 10 bucks from my mom.. ... thank god for extremely cheap toy aisle at Wal Mart... ... and Sharpie-altered birthday cards (or in this case, congratulations on the new baby ^_~)... Christine's party was pretty sick-tight, despite the fact we arrived fashionably late (ie: "fashionably late" = 3 hours late)... But it was still good times.. I finally got to meet Paul, Cassie's beau... he seems like a cool guy, but having only met him, it's hard to form a good opinion.. i'll get back to you on that one... After gifts and cake.. (god, the cake was soooo good), we had the much-fun'd silly string fight in the middle of the road... and since there was one left over, i was packing double heat... rock on.. Fun lasted for like 2 minutes tops... but was still fun.. ... i'm sure Willow St. is still littered with silly string...
After Cassie left, we watched one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life... Take this as a word of advice.. If you're ever with a friend ... and they want to go rent a movie... and they suggest "You Got Served!", do NOT watch it... I repeat, if someone suggests to watch "You Got Served!", do NOT NOT NOT watch it... most predictable movie ever with the most stereotyping EVER... I can give you a 30 second overview of EXACTLY what happens... just give me a black thug and a DDR pad... I'll be playing the role of the white homeboy antagonist...

*me and thug dance dance dance...*
Me: You just got served...
*me and thug dance dance dance...*
Thug: no, YOU just got served, foo!
*roll credits*

Came home at midnight... got some much needed sleep...


Woke up at 8:45 and got a ride up to the school to help load the marching percussion equipment into Grish's truck... I also needed to grab my trumpet for the parade... If I showed up, I got an easy hour of community service (score..!) [5.5 hours left].. So, did that.. got a ride with Boutard to the fire station, put on my marching uniform.. (Last time ever! YES!)... One thing I was certainly glad of was that it was a rather chilly 50 degree day.. Cuz in my blazer and overlay, I was comfortable compared to years past when it was sweltering hot on the day of the parade.. So, we get ready to march.. and Grish let's us noodle to get warmed up... only it turned into a marching band version of "The Hey Song"... Grish must've been turning red.... so good... Anyway, the parade starts at 11:00... We march and play, play and march... We only go 2/3 of the way that we usually go... from the fire house to the town hall... Despite how much I don't like marching, I like being in the parade.. It's just fun seeing those people on the sidewalks and in lawn chairs enjoying us play.. Anyway, so the parade ends... [3.5 hours left]

Directly from the parade, my mom brings me out to the recycle center so I can finish off the 3.5 flimsy hours left to acquire for community service.. I find the guy in charge and he sets me up.. easy stuff really.. I take rubbish out to the dumpster (bringing trash out at a dump... go figure)... and then just began raking the litter out of the lawn.. It really shouldn't have taken me 3 hours to do, but that was all he gave me to do so I delayed my speed... 3:30 rolls around and I'm free.. FREE... of the chain that was holding me back from receiving my diploma. 33 hours in one month... Almost inconceivable but I did it.. I feel really proud of myself, despite how I still think I'm an idiot for leaving it all to get done one month prior... [0 hours left!!]

No time to stop... directly from the recycle center, i get a ride up to the school for the first tech rehearsal... On the way to the school, my mom hands me a letter telling me I'm receiving an award for music excellence... That gave me a good smile... ... of all the awards that I could've gotten, I think this one rocks the most just because the role music plays in my life. It means a lot to me and to receive an award like that... :)
Anyway, yeah.. I have to get Katrina to work for me at the theater so Chris doesn't drop dead that I'm not at the tech rehearsal. My time at the theater is at an end, I can feel. ... I think that Gordie and Jack feel it too... though if they have any doubts, it'll be put to rest as I'm writing my letter of resignation whenever I find a free minute.
The ever dreaded Hell Week is among us... good old 4 hour rehearsals every night... and the play still fucking sucks... Not to mention that about 1/3 of the cast was missing tonight, for some reason or another (well it IS memorial day weekend).. Nonetheless, we run through it... and god, if the play was tomorrow, we would be soooo fucked.. murrrr.. Anyway

So, 9:00 rolls around and we are released.. I had asked Buckley to come over to my house to get the flat tire off of my car and strap the donut spare on it for the time being... So he obliges... We get to my house... he looks at my tire.. we get the tools out of the trunk ... as soon as the car was jacked and the lug nuts and hubcap removed, the tire ... wouldn't... It just wouldn't move an inch... It looks like the tire rusted to the rim, more or less because it's just been sitting there for 3 damn weeks. After a valiant effort, he called it a night but not before promising to return tomorrow morning with some loosening agent to get the damn thing off...

That's the story... Suffice to say, I'm really tired right now.. two busy days in a row with no sufficient rest... but getting my stupid community service finished off is worth the loss of sleep...
Tomorrow, it's off to Blue Man Group in Boston, which the bus leaves at noon... show starts at 5:00.. so it'll probably be another late night before I get home... all I have to say is at least Monday is a day off so I can sleep... even though I have another 5-9 tech... ugh.. but, that means I get to sleep until 4:59 at least.. ...

class trip, box social, subway, christine, drama, community service, weekend

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