Mar 31, 2004 20:08
God, I'm looking forward to this weekend verrrry much so. This has been a pretty horrid week so far....
To start off, the pops concert was cancelled. So much for the uprisal of Greater Tuna (the name of our "group"). We planned on performing "Seven Nation Army", as most of you knew. But it's for naught as it's been called off. It was called off because there weren't enough acts. There were 7 signed up and the student council was anticipating 10. And since 10 were not accepted, they axed it. Me = teh disappointed. But Grish was saying that it was unfair that we had been practicing it for this long and won't be able to perform it. So she said, upon her discretion (ie: if we don't suck), we'd be able to do it during the spring concert. It seems a bit out of place, but meh... it's still better than not doing it i guess.
Got our long-awaited research papers back. Not impressed. definitely NOT impressed. This was a research paper that we had a good 5 weeks or so to work on. And I worked on it good, as did everyone in the class. We worked hard on it as it was a paper with a lot expectations. And in the end, no one's was good enough for her. Because even the smartest people in our class got a less than perfect paper back. No one got in A... I'm willing to bet only a handful of B's. Look, if no one actually worked up to your fucking expectations, you'd think she'd have lowered the bar. But no, I thinik she just wanted to purposely do this to deflate the grades. Just nothing was good enough. I personally got a 136/200... which I am extremely upset over. I worked damn well on that paper, putting my nose to the grind stone and reading and researching. And what do I get for it? "Inaccurate information. Insufficient support. Failure to set up paper correctly."... Inaccurate information?! Insufficient support?! When you read something out of a book, you assume that it's giving you correct information, right? So what the fuck is inaccurate information...?! And to boot, since she wanted to check sources on the bibliography, I gave her the books and articles that I found the information in.. even fucking cited which page i found what information in what book! How could it be wrong information if I gave you the book AND page number where i found it?! And by giving her my sources, that is my support! How is that NOT sufficient support?! I'm not impressed at all. Oh, and my favorite... She hands it back and on the front is my title page. And she's written "Need more on your title page.".... Ok, now... What should be on a typical title page? Well, if you ask me... a title for your paper, your name, the date... that's all you'd need, but maybe a little graphic would be good. Well, I have my title... my name... the date I finished... and a picture of my research topic.... what else could she possibly want on a fucking title page?! We got our papers back at the end of the class right after the bell rang.. which I'm sure she did on purpose so she'd get to avoid a barrage of angry students wanting to know 'what the fuck'. I'm sure the tone of the classroom will be one of a grizzly nature rather than the all-smiles class as it has seemed by tomorrow.
I'm not impressed
and to complete this English class rant, we get a nice and big 215 point test tomorrow on the Anglo-Saxon unit. Whoopty-fuckin-doo! This hasn't been the most interesting unit in the world... and to throw a huge ass test at me can't be a good thing. If I don't get like.. a B on this test, my grade is going to suffer much. The quarter closes next week and I don't think it's going to look quite impressive if I get like a C or D on my report card. People will think I'm joking when I say I'm an English major in college.... I'm not liking it that much right now
I think I got into something that I didn't want to do. I knew it was a mistake, but I got sucked into it by persuasion... and now I'm deeply regretting it. That's right, I'm talking about me in the musical. ... just kill me now. I got dragged into it by Chris and Tuity. Chris, who is uber-bitch and I don't know why I ever do anything she tells me, told me of the play ... it's "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" .. and Chris hooked me (me and my foolishness v_v) when she mentioned it was a story that included courtesans, or "prostitutes" for those Englishly declined. Then Tuity was like "dude, I'll only do it if you do it...." .. and it's like ehhhh, ehhhh... ehhhh... And I said I would. About an hour after I agreed to it, I knew I had made a mistake. But still, I couldn't back down on my word so I tried out... and I drew a rather good part of the "courtesan seller"... (ie: I own hookers :D)... But after one practice and the singing.. and just the overall feel was different than any other non-singing play was different in the weird way. I don't think I'm going to enjoy it that much. But I think it's a little late to back out now... I'm going to have stick it... It's not like i'm embarassed about singing on stage or anything. Hell, I did it all the time when I played with my band. So it has nothing to do with embarassment or pride. But like I mentioned during the one-act, drama just isn't fun anymore to me. And to stick around when it's not that fun anymore is just stupid... cuz it's undoubtedly going to get worse. murrrrrrr.... I went to the first practice, ... but I've skipped the last two because I really didn't feel like going....
Speak o' the devil, Chris just called but I didn't want to answer it and get bitched at. So I let the machine get it... and I think she wants me to call her back.. pfft.. like that's going to happen. No, I'll more than likeley see her tomorrow at school. I was thinking that maybe I should tell her that I'm having second thoughts and that maybe i should back out. It's better to tell her early than to like.. 4 weeks in when we're working on the staging. But I think about it ... and it's really hard for me to quit anything, despite whether I like it or not. I'm no quitter .. rather persistant little bugger. That and I don't think I could abandon my friends for whom are in this who I have an excellent good time with. Like Tuity... He said the only way he was doing it is if I was... and if i drop, who's to say he wouldn't... And Bopha... I remember we were both so excited when "This is a Test" was over. We were both like "w00t! no more drama! huzzah!"... and then I tell her that I got sucked into doing the musical. And she volunteered herself to be in it with me... despite how excited she was about no more drama (as was i...), she joined for my sake. That's a true friend... (Bopha, you're awesome ^_~)... So if I drop, I've forsaken her as well... That and I get to wear a toga!....... but still... murrrr... i dunno, I'll probably just begrudgingly stick to it. But if it comes to the point sometime this week or next where I just feel like "i can't do this anymore", don't think I won't drop the ball....
Murrrr... this week needs to get over with ...
pissed off,