Death By Cupid.

Feb 17, 2008 23:13

Valentine's Day has come and gone yet again.

And just like my previous lack of Christmas rant this past year, I just felt mundane and apathetic to the subject. I mean, you can only get pissy and angsty and say what you can say about a holiday for so long. There are times you just have to let it go. I mean, this holiday itself has never forcefed me any pain or agony. I've never had my heart broken or anything like that on Valentine's Day. I'm just overly pissed at the capitalism roaring and demanding that we buy treats for our sweeties because a day on the calendar demands it. The only day that should really matter is an anniversary. But again, even that's been said in previous Valentine rants.

I guess what I can take away from this year is that for the first time in 4 years, I actually had myself a "valentine" to "celebrate" the "holiday" with. Not that that mattered anyway, I could not care either way being alone or together on this day. And that's what I took away from this passing year: That even with someone, my feelings toward the holiday have remained the same. The same eye-rolling feeling manifested itself well into my cerebelum on numerous occasions, notably every day at Target. The only thing that changed was that when I was single, it was "I hate Valentine's Day", and now it was "I hate Valentine's Day, but have to look like I tried a little bit."

So being tied to a someone this year, how did we take in the holiday? Much to my liking, we barely did anything. It was the middle of the week, so Jess and I looked at it as merely an excuse to hang out. A small token of our mutual appreciation was exchanged, we ate at the most romantic place in the world (Friendly's on Loudon Road FOR THE WIN!), and had intents of catching Juno, but apathy set in, settling for just watching TV back at my place. That's what I call a winning Valentine's Day. Stick that in your romantic pipe and smoke it, St. Valentine! Granted that we were only being this romantically declined on this day because our anniversary is 12 days from that day. And the thought of getting all romantically ensconced twice in the span of two weeks made both of our wallets frown, we settled on Valentine's Day apathy.

Every year, I try to leave the Valentine post with a lesson. Last year, I taught you all the TRUE meaning of Valentine's Day. And before that? Well, nothing was accomplished except me throwing up a huge pity me sign. So what have we learned this year?

Be you happily in relationship, begrudgingly single, happily single, or begrudgingly in relationship... it's all the same notion: Valentine's Day sucks.


(P.S.: No comments about how I was listening to Yellowcard during the duration of this post, please. Surprisingly, I've had more embarassing artists pop up on my randomizer. Besides, how painfully appropriate for this genre of post.)


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