It's All About the Benjamins.

Nov 12, 2007 02:17

Catching up with your friendly neighborhood Bobbo. It's a Life Update.

*I'm feeling myself getting to that point that I knew I would get to since the beginning of the year. That point where I feel like I'm under employed being at Target. I'm 21 and not getting any younger (yeah, I can't believe I just said that either). I'll reach the point of no return probably by year's end when I will inquire about the jobs in the classifieds versus just looking and wondering. What will I look for? No clue, but I'd know it when I saw it. I guess the job the one that would be reachable and better than retail would be some sort of clerical work, be it someone's secretary or filing. It's hard to look for a better job when the best experience I have is in cashiering and vending. But I may wait it out to see if another specialist or team lead position opens up within the next month or two at Target. And if they pass me over again, then I will make a serious effort elsewhere. I know I said that last time, but that was different. After they turned me down for the cash office, they threw the in-stocks position at me which was 40 hours and evenings off. Considering that was partially the reason I wanted the specialist position, it would've been somewhat dumb to turn it down. We'll see what happens.

*My financial situation is still, as the French would say, tres fucked. Living check to check is absolutely ball-busting. I'm constantly living with 50 bucks, sometimes less, in my bank account at any given moment. That's the cost of independence though, I guess. It's becoming evident I need a roommate. Obviously a different, or second, job would also help out in that department. But I really don't want to dedicate my precious free time to yet another job, no matter how financially inept I become. I may change my tune, but I think I can stomach it until May when my lease runs out. I plan on canceling the television portion of my cable bill after the football season. That'll soften me about 50 or 60 bucks a month.

*A roommate still is the attractive option after my lease runs out. I like this apartment. It's accommodating and in a great location. But it's not doing my wallet any favors. At that I'm still a little unsure if I'm going to be in Concord by the time it runs out anyway. I think moving to a drastic location like Florida or California is not in my thought process this time around. If I was to remain in Concord, Joe would be an option as he's looking to get out from under his parents' roof. It's not a very serious thought yet. But I offered that if he waited it out until June, I might be interested. But again, if I'm still in Concord at that point. Jess has her heart set on going to college at Rivier down the road in Nashua. It's not a long drive by any means. But 30 minutes both ways, plus paying the pair of tolls between here and there, with gas prices still skyrocketing, add the fact that I'd probably make at least one trip there a week, probably more, and there's a giant strain on the wallet. All the money I would be saving up by rooming with Joe would go right to the gas to get to Nashua and back weekly. So if I move to Nashua, do I then get an apartment with Jess, a roommate whom I never met through the newspaper, or get a better job and continue to stick it out alone? If I did it alone, I'd still be stuck with the same financial problem I have right now. And I don't think I could ever live with someone I've never even met before. And while I would have already dedicated myself to her by moving there, living together would be a huge step. It's going to take some more thought, and a little bit more time. Heck, she hasn't even visited or applied to Rivier yet. So all will be decided in time.

*Celtics are 5-0, and the only undefeated team left. Hells yes. I've seen all but one of their games so far. And they've just been outstanding. The combo of KG, Ray, and Pierce is working out wonderfully. The chemistry is there that some worried about before the season started. And the other role players are also really stepping it up and silencing critics. Kendrick Perkins is providing a huge defensive lift. Rajon Rondo is doing a solid job. Eddie House and James Posey are workhorses off the bench. And I'm very pleasantly surprised at the production of Glen Davis. His defense is great and he fights for his stats. He'll be a valued member of the team if he keeps it up. Tony Allen is still not where he was last year before his knee injury. But I have faith he'll get there. The C's have thrashed some big names in the East, beating the likes of Washington, Toronto, Denver, and New Jersey, as well as Atlanta, but they aren't exactly contenders. They've looked real good. But the real challenge is going to come when they face a real elite team. How far they can truly go hinges on their performances against San Antonio, Phoenix, Detroit, and Dallas. That won't see face until December 19th when the Pistons come to town. Still, this season is coming up roses already for the C's. It's a good time to be a fan.

*I refuse to mention anything Christmas related. Deal with it.

*I'm planning a pretty massive roadtrip. What I'm aiming for is taking a long roadtrip with two of my best friends after they graduate from college. What I have mapped out in my head is trippin' down to Florida to visit my dad. At this point, I'm afraid it's going to be one of those ideas that you say you're going to do, but never even begin to get done. I've had a lot of failed plans end up that way. So I'm thinking if I stick with it and keep the guys in the loop we'll get serious about it real soon.

*You know what's a mistake? Staying up all night with work in the morning. Hey, that's what I'm doing right now. Amazing! I blame my waking up at 11:30 this morning plus the caffeine I ingested throughout the day. Oh well. I've done it before. Did it hinder my work? Yeah, pretty much. My driving? Meh, maybe a little bit. My sense of reality? Little bit. I love staying up and hate it at the same time. That warm, burning sensation your eyes get during the day is really annoying, especially when wearing contacts. The lack of energy. Sense of perception is lower. So why stay up? Because it's cool. You get to do shit instead of sleeping. But if I realize it's a mistake, why don't I just sleep? It's 2:00. I wake up at before 6:00. Less than 4 hours of sleep is just not worth it. Better just to tough it out and hit the sack early tomorrow night. What to do with my night then... Hm, maybe I'll make a life update post on LJ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

florida, celtics, jessica

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