Definition of "murrrr..."

Nov 13, 2003 21:39

What a mundane past few days...

I managed to pull my physics report together and pass it in. That's on the up-side of things.... We've done absolutely nothing in physics the past couple days. We watched an episode of Junkyard Wars yesterday and we started watching October Sky today which we're finishing tomorrow. This means the past two days I have done absolutely nothing all day at school. Which is nothing wrong I guess, but then it is... because I'm not challenging my mind with anything. If I were a freshman right now, I would enjoy every fucking second of doing nothing-ness... but I dunno, I've chaned I guess. I need to challenge myself otherwise I'm just bored. murrrr...

Some people actually asked me to define "murrrr..." .. and it took me awhile to come up with a real answer. I usually use murrrr in three cases... first and foremost, I say murrrr just as a conversation filler or random word to blurt out. Second use is when I'm bored or emotionless... y'know, "murrrr.. this is boring.". Thirdly, depression... which is usually an enlongated murrrr... (meaning more than 4 r's).. you know, something like "murrrrrrrr... i feel sad" or whatever. That's my interpretation of it... but I must ask THE Murrrr what she thinks?

Anyway... I fixed my foot pedal for the bass drum, but i still have yet to bring my hi-hat in to get fixed.. but i'll do that tomorrow.. for those who haven't seen the girl already:

Work sucked tonight, i won't go into it...

So, I'm just going to call it a night right now so I can get some sleep. Good thing tomorrow is Friday. Laura's party is tomorrow too... w00t!

it's snowing outside... and it's accumulating nicely.... also w00t!

it's been a boring day, but i have a nice red gatorade... listenin' to some Rage... talking to cool peeps... life is as good as it can be right now.

drums, school, elyse, murrrr

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