Tyler's education

Jan 11, 2009 10:50

Todd is in the shower so I guess I can ramble on some more before it's time to take my own shower....

I have been discussing homeschool options with my firend Jenni and my sister, for quite some time now and now that Ty is going to be 4 I realize I am kidn of running out of time to make the decision one way or the other.  So, beginning as soon as the weather cooperates, Jenni has invited me to bring Ty to her house on Tuesdays and include him in her daughter's lessons (her youngest is 5) and then the two of us can swap time teaching the younger kids and her older daughter.  To me this is the perfect way to see if homeschool is an option for us without me becoming completely overwhelmed with what I want to do vs. where I need to begin to accomplish that.  Tyler is incredibly excited about it and I am too.  I always work better wtih a good partner so this curbs my issue with so much time alone with me lol.  Hopefully by the time it comes to re-register for Montessori I will know if we want to take a leap and try a year of preschool at home and potentially lose our spot at the school.  Which we can't afford anyway LOL.  At least once Tyler is actually considered K age we wont' be able to afford it unless I do go back to work full time.  right now he just does 2 days and that is $300 a month and my nanny gig covers that. 

homeschool, education, montessori, tyler

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