leavin agin

Jul 20, 2005 21:14

wassup yal???...i hope all of yal are havin a great summer, i am i reckon...not a lot has happened, just talkin to ppl most of the time and swimmin...and more stuff...i'll have to tell yal later like i said before..anyway, as you know the state big league tourney was at the high school last week and i swear i saw some of the most beautiful guys ever!!!!..i met this one guy, and i swear to yal it was love at first sight..no joke..i'm not being stupid, it seriously was..we connected like no other...i truly believe in love at first sight, because me and him, well we just alwayz wanted to see each other, he'd come out of the dugout just to see me and act like he was goin to the bathroom...my god it was so sweet..he was georgous too, oh my god he had really dark skin, extremely blue/green eyes, mostly green, he was very breathtaking, and why he was attracted to me i will never know...cus there were so many pretty girls there he could have met besides me..but me and him got along great, and i've been talkin to him on the phone every night ever since, and the only thing is he lives 7 hours away..which really REALLY really sucks for me, cus i want to be with him...i miss him and i was only with him for 4 days total, now that is whut i call an ironic connection, i've never connected with a guy like that before, and definitely not as good lookin as he is either...i think we were meant to at least meet because my brother and his baseball team won state and they play in charlottesvile which is exactly 30 minutes from where he lives, and its 7 hours away, we found this out last night, and that is very IRONIC...i dont care whut anyone says...now i know there is a god, cus i've been prayin for someone like him to come along, and if we were really meant to be together i think somethin will work out...even tho he's so far away...well all i can do is get closer to him...but i'm still available, he just kinda stole my heart...well i'm gonna go now cus he just called and i gotta go sleep cus we're leavin at 5 in the mo'nin, and i'll get to see him..his name is ken...i wont tell you his last name tho..but anywayz, yal comment me..and i love you all
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