hey guys

Feb 06, 2005 18:14

hey ppl...i had a great weekend...i went up asli's house, and i got to see derek...i went to ashli's house saturday night after i went to the tannin bed, and we stayed up wil like 5:30, and finally went fell asleep around 6...i was so tired saturday...friday was a great night, or saturday morning..whutever...and then saturday i went to my brother's games, and derek came up there and stayed with me...even tho it was extremely boring...we were up there from 11 to about 6...and then we rented movies and all kinds of stuff...talked on the phone all night, and something amazing happened..lol...derek asked me to prom!!..i almost cried...and then something even better happened, he asked me out!!!!!!!!...shew, i'm so happy about it...but i feel like i pushed him into it...he said he wanted to, but i feel like i pushed him to do it instead of waiting til whenever he felt it was right...but i'm so glad he's finally mine...i've been waiting so long...and everything is awesome right now...now here in about ten minutes i'm gettin ready to watch the superbowl, and i'm cheerin for the EAGLES even tho they will probably lose...but i dont care, the pats have won enuf...i sure hope they dont have a half time show like last year...lol...anywayz...me and kristan jumped on the trampeline for like thirty minutes earlier tonight, and ashli just stood there like a big idiot...lol...it was fun!...and we went up to macy's old house and looked in it, and it is a beautiful house, i tried to get mom to buy it, but she thinks our house is better..i dont...but thats just me...anywayz...someone died, cus there was a bunch of ppl up at the cemetary behind my house, and we looked like skanks in the back of my mom's truck...and earlier today around 3, we went cruisin around,me and kristan in the back of my big dodge, and down the road to the kentucky line, and pratt was home, and my mom embarrased the crap out of us and went flyin by and beeped the horn for a real long time...like a maniac...we were screamin and yellin and everything...and there was a bunch of drunks out on a porch, in kentucky, lol, and there were whistlin at us and stuff and it was weird...but i've had an all around good day, AND THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!, the most exciting things happened, and i wouldn't go back and change it for the world...shew...there's some other stuff that happened but i cant really say...but derek if ur readin this, i couldn't call you b/c mom and dad had the phone turned off, and its back on, but they wont let me call nobody, so you can call me...just remember the time limits k sweetie?!..welp guys i'm gonna go now...be good dery...everyone else, i just luv yal!...
much love
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