Dec 02, 2005 17:49
hey guys, today has been an interesting day at school...sooo much drama has been goin on..shew, thats all the lb is anymore is pure ass try and stay out of it..but anyways, poor old ashli got in an argument today, god love her heart...and i am recently/obviously IN an argument/disagreement with someone..but maybe she'll get over it and let it go...i talked to tasha about stuff today and i honestly hope me and her are ok now...i just want everyone to be friends it used to exceptions..because its our last year and a half at PHS and we may never see each other again, but we can change those tasha if you read this, i honestly am sorry and i hope we can be friends the good ole times...welp guyz thats all for now...leave me some dang comments....(also, aerobics are on mondayz and thursdayz if anyone is interested in coming...i know me and ole molly are!!! ya!!)
luv yal!