Dec 22, 2003 15:13
OK, hmmm....the last time I updated was Friday....
I stayed at Eric's again that night. I don't remember what we did. Oh yeah! We went to the club. Oh my gosh! Talk about drama! Everyone was breaking up and yelling and crying...except me. haha I'm a heartless bitch. Actually I just didn't wanna get involved in everyone else's shit. So I sang a lot. It always makes me feel better. We went to bed pretty much right when we got home from Celes.
Saturday night was super awesome! Co, Keith, and I went to Celes...again. haha I love that place. Anyway, It was a lot of fun. Lots of dancing and singing and a man that I didn't bother to introduce myself to bought me a drink. haha I'm so nice. Of course it had to be coke and I would get it free anyway, but the waitress was a sweetheart so she deserved a tip.
Last night Eric and I went to Keith's house where a lot of the group was hanging out. All I have to say is I never wanna drink vodka ever again! I was throwing up after one screwdriver! But Eric doesn't drink so he and Brian took care of me...from what I hear anyway. I don't recall much of the night except being carried around a lot because I couldn't stand up. Eric took me back to his house and let me sleep in and take his car home because he had to leave early this morning; what a sweetheart!
Now I am incredibly hungover and I have to work in like 2 hours, yay. If anyone knows of miracle cures for hangovers, let me know for future reference.
Anyway, I have to get ready for work and finish packing. I am leaving tomorrow morning to go to Nashville to see my family for Christmas and I won't be back till Friday. I'll miss you all! I'll update as soon as I get back.
Merry Christmas! Pray for snow! (Although I'll be in warm weather! haha)