May 31, 2005 08:42
Hey peeps!
How are you all doing?I'm doing more fantastic than ever.Last night i was out with Kate and we went to that swanky club in Munich and she got caught up with the Police.Nick would said GOSH WHAT ARE YOU DOING? i'm allways making fool of myself and getting caught up with the police and everything,but this time it was Kate's time,cause she got really drunken and she bite one lad so the security called the police and Kate went upset!They used to take her to the police station but then came Jack her ex boyfriend who was in Germany aswell and told them some lies and they let her go.I was really happy cause he saved her,but i still didn't forgive him,cause he leave her without a reason.
I got really drunken last night by myself aswell,and i know that Gil would go upset about that,but i had a feeling like i need to do it.I know that it sounds stupid but ...nevermind.
Today i'm going to do some shopping and later on a lunch don't know if any1 will going to go with me ,but if i'm going by myself it's okay aswell.And probably next week i'm going to go back to LA.
I'm trying to made a great update but it never happened that way.Gosh stupid me!I still didn't get used to that journal so we'll see whatwill happened next time when i'm going to write.
Peace out
BJ x x x