Jan 20, 2005 21:35
We started the week in New York. Ryan had to do some appearances, first on Letterman and then he did Live with Regis and Kelly. It only took a day for that, but we spent the weekend there before flying home. And I apologize for the sweaters that he wore. I tried to tell him not to, but he didn't listen. Clearly I needed to throw out more of his clothing when I cleaned out the closet. Although, I like to think if I had seen those, I'd have thrown them out on my own. That leads me to think he was hiding them at his office or something.
Anyway. Then Idol started this week. It's not live yet so our lives aren't really turned upside down. When he has to do the live shows, then I'm sure I'll hardly see him for a few days a week, but it's okay. Now that we're in the same house, it's not too bad, because I'll still be able to go to sleep next to him. But we had a party to go to on Tuesday night.
He let it out that he and Shana broke up. He didn't tell me he was going to do it, so it was a surprise to me. The best surprise ever, really. It's funny to hear him talk about it on the radio and act all broken up about it. When in actually he hates her and would love nothing more than to never see her again. So here's hoping she goes away. I don't know if we're going to go public or not, as much as I hated seeing him with her, I kind of liked not being the one in the spotlight.
We started talking about the wedding, too. We're looking at October. And actually kicking around the idea of getting married in Europe. I'm not sure if that's going to be what we do, but it's fun to think about.