For the Hellsing Fans.... Enemy Ace: War in Heaven
Jun 06, 2007 22:40
The scene where Major is getting the crap kicked out of him by three Russian soldiers just prior to his being given the chance to "change" is one of my favorite scenes in the Hellsing series. But it wasn't the first time I had seen something like that. Garth Ennis did a very similar scene complete with a spectral wolf that comes to the aid of another "Major" in his two issue comic "Enemy Ace: War in Heaven".
Enemy Ace was a Silver era DC comics character that flew in the skies of World War One Europe for Germany. A noble member of the aristocracy, he is known to his foes as the "Hammer of Hell" and realizes that the only thing he is ever good at is killing people. At various times he meets a spectral wolf while hunting in the nearby forrests... a wolf that he claims is the only creature that has kinship with him. Garth Ennis brought him back to the skies of World War Two Europe, reluctantly fighting for a cause he does not really believe in... but it is the only he has ever been good at. Here is the first issue of the two part series... it is difficult to get another copy of it, so I hope you like it. It is worth a look and you will see some strange parallels to long time Hellsing fans... the first two pages even reference Dracula. ;p