Calling everyone: Revival of Backyard Football!

Mar 14, 2004 18:34

Hey all my non-existant readers. So as all of my entries start out I will bluntly state that I haven't visited this window in a while, sorry to anyone that has felt an empty space in their life because of my lack of an entry! Here is one for the masses.

So what has happened recently you ask? I'll sum it up in this conversation I had with a new kid from Lower Moreland who's on the Lacrosse team.

Him-"So is there anything to do around here but smoke and drink?"
Me- "No... what do you expect?"

Basically while I like how things are, it would be kinda cool if I could go outside more, maybe some backyard football or a good old homerun derby at the cages. Something from the good old days! But then we all remember, that wouldn't cost a shit load of money, and would require energy. Fuck that! Honestly, here is a call to everyone, we need to get backyard football back. Anyone that wants to participate, call me, e-mail me(, IM me, or talk to me in school. We should get a game together!!!!!

Ok, sorry about that reminising, but I'm serious.

I decided that current events that are super long are commonly just boring, so I'll just sum it up quickly. I've been spending most of my time at school wether it be playing Lacrosse or going to school or working. In my time off I am either sitting here doing nothing or doing something with my lovely lady friend Colleen! Overall I've been doing good, everything is goind good for me.

So now that I'm done, I'm gonna go and play some video games, good stuff... talk to you all later!

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