Ah, shit.

Feb 17, 2006 14:39

Today, my assignment 1(b) was due.
I overslept, woke up around 12:15.
I submitted my online assignment, then hurried to catch the bus to SFU, to hand in the hardcopy.
Bus came early, and I missed it by a minuite, so I had to catch later on bus.
When I got to the tutorial, there was no one, and I was half an hour late.
I didn't know today it was just "hand in the assignment" and "get the heck outta here",
so I stood there waiting until the tutorial was over, and I could hand it to TA, at least.
Dr.Day came around 2:20, took it into office, dated it for me, and left it there.

I just wrote a letter to TA telling him where the hardcopy is.

Ah. man. One of the posters outside at the poster says, "Shit happens".
And I swear, one of the greatest shit around this area, is irragularity in transit service.



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