(no subject)

Dec 25, 2006 21:08

Yep, so it's Xmas...and it's goin alright. Just family gettogethers and such. My family isn't religious, so there was no church crap, just an excuse to see family, which is always nice. Also. I ate a ton of food...which reminded me...I'd better start working out again...not that I've really stopped...it's been like a couple days, haha. A week at most. But yea, I need some bigger muskles...even though apparently my arms are huge. I guess I can lay off the arms a bit...gotta do the pecs and abs though...and shoulders a bit.

In other news...I'm taking 3 German classes next semester...I don't know if I mentioned that in my last post...but yea, I'm going to have to go balls to the walls with German over break, just so I'm up to speed. These are some Upper level classes we're talkin about here...so...pretty intense: 334, 415, and 626. Pretty insane. And I also have French and an English class...should be a tough semester, then next fall it's off to Europa. hoorah.

I think I'm falling in love....or maybe I'm just tired and stuffed with food...haha, I'm dumb.

also, I got a digital camera..which will soon be a different digital camera....but either way, I'll finall be able to see how gross I am on a daily basis! haha. Good times.
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