My Second Cancer Ordeal

Jul 08, 2006 16:20

So, a couple weeks ago, it was called into question whether or not I had cancer...again.  Alex found a mole that looked different now than it did before, I checked a mirror to confirm, and asked my dad what he thought.  The general consensus was that it didn't look normal and should at least be looked at by a doctor.  So my doctor had it cut off (that was a wierd experience) and sent it in to be tested.  He does this thing where he doesn't tell you about results right away, he tells you the next time he sees you.  So at the appointment I was to have my stitches from the first mole taken out (it was a big mole) he told me that I (again) did not have cancer.


Went to Orono yesterday at the behest of my father.  Liked the campus, the school's "feel," but it's courses were less than mediocre.  Crossed off the list.  TA has both more languages and social sciences than Orono.  That's pathetic.

I am so totally awesome
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