Anyone interested in leaving a comment about BoB for online article?

Jun 29, 2008 14:32

Hey guys,
I write for online magazine Portrait- and am planning on doing a feature on BoB. I was interested in getting fan feedback about the event and that's where you guys come in. If you are interested I'm looking for comments on the event overall, what the actors were like, what it was like meeting other fans, what it was like meeting yourfave actors - a comment in relation to any of those would be awesome. If you are interested just leave your comment on this post as well as your first name, surname, and country.
I'll select the comments that fit best with my feature and  you'll probably have til thursday/friday of this week. (sorry for the late/short notice). feel free to gush as much as you like - it'll give me more material to work with and i'll just select various parts out of it.
hopefully this makes sense, if not just comment on this post and i'll try my best to clarify. it make take me a while to replybut i will reply.

- Angela

p.s. - apologies to mods if this needed to be tagged, thesehotel computers are really awkward to  use!


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