Welcome to Brawler of the Week. Today we're talking about Genis Sage.
- Genis is going to live to be a thousand years.
- Genis has pulled as many pranks as Lloyd. He just always sucessfully blames him for them.
- Genis still hates humans, but he's starting to realise that hate will get him nowhere.
- He had to change his view on humans when he realised that to be fair, he had to hate elves and desians just as much, which doesn't leave him with very many people.
- Genis has tried to come up with alternate plans to Mithos' 'age of lifeless beings', though with little success so far. He doesn't like the thought of doing this the slow way.
- Genis considers the people he travels with his family -- with the exceptions of Zelos, Kratos and Regal, who he wish would just disappear.
- One of his reasons for hating Regal is that Regal's a better cook than he is.
- Genis doesn't blame himself for what happened to Mizuho. In fact, he resents everyone else a little for trying to place the blame on him in the first place.
- Genis knows that E=mc2. He's known that since he was six.
- Genis knows about sex: Sexual intercourse is the act in which the male reproductive organ (in humans and other higher animals) enters the female reproductive tract, called copulation or coitus in other reference.
- What he doesn't understand is what the big deal is. In fact, he thinks it sounds a little gross.
- Genis has been crushing on Presea, Laharl and Mithos. Lately though, the only person he thinks about is Laharl.
- Genis still considers Mithos one of his best friends. He realises that they're probably going to have to kill him though, and he's trying to prepare himself for that.
- He's pretty sure that if it hadn't been for Laharl, this journey would have been too much for him.
- Genis' reason for repeatedly calling Laharl and Lloyd idiots is that he envies their strength. He also wishes he could be that brave.
- When this journey is finally over, what Genis most wants to do is spend a month in Laharl's world just to get away from everything.