Aug 07, 2007 15:42
Or those of you wondering the previous post was in relation to a job interview/ visit to Missouri. I went out and interviewd for a Medical Labratory technologist in Butler, MO. I got the job. It is a REAL (like 5000 people) small town about 1 hour south of Kansas City. I will be leaving September 7 or 8 depending on football game schedule at Eastern which I desperately want to see the show before I leave, but will not be able to see it in competition. That is really the hard thing to leave is teaching the Eastern Pit and all the great people I work with out there. I will be living with Ted (good friend from Olivet) in Nevada (long A) while I get situated out there then when he gets marred or after I am good and stable I will move out up to Butler. It is really hard to work at McDonald's right now because of the fact I have 1 month left (my last day will be September 4) and Libby is just being a witch rigth now.
If you are interested in helping eat a ton of McDonald's food (~$80 retail) let me know because there is going to be a party for my going away that will feature that Aug 11 at B5C's place. Also I will be free Sept 4 until I leave so let me know if you want to throw a party in my honor.