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sweet_revenge00 January 24 2009, 03:38:58 UTC
Ok, first off: This is one of my favorite episodes. I think it's mostly because there's a nicely done battle scene, and (aside from Hall) there aren't any deaths of anyone we know and not many bad injuries (except for Popeye's, but he comes back so it's all good). This is a hard episode to write "things I noticed" for though, because most of the time, you can't tell which characters are which due to lighting or camera action. But I'll do my best. Anyway, things I noticed:

- Winters seems too...calm after he jumps out of the plane. I can see him trying to not panic during the situation, but I'd expect a little more shock on his face or something, simply because of what's going on around him.
- Hall's behavior seems very realistic to me. He's scared, but he's doing the job he needs to do. I definately prefer this example of fear, to the Carentan episode.
- I still can't get over how even though they just landed there hours ago, the soldiers are already acting like professionals. It's expected, but still.
- I wonder why no one bothered to cut down that dead guy who was hanging from the tree. They weren't in a complete rush, and it would've given the guy some dignity.
- Do we see Harry in this episode? We hear Winters saying his name, but I looked for Harry and couldn't find him.
- The introduction of Speirs is done wonderfully. Not "in your face" way, but just enough to make you wonder who he is. Also, notice that he's a Lt.? Meaning at the moment, he and Winters are complete equals.
- Like the foreshadowing in Malarkey's scene, since he'll be the member who'll lose most of his innocence (or I think so anyway) in future episodes.
- In the beginning of the scene where Winters is explaining what's going to happen to Easy, it's starts by us seeing Speirs walking in. I like how throughout the scene, you can see him looking over different soldiers' shoulders to catch a look at what they're talking about.
- You can tell that this is the biggest thing these soldiers have faced so far, since they aren't expirienced yet (Malarkey running for the Lugar, Lipton in the tree, etc.).
- Despite everything that's happening around him, Buck is more shocked that Popeye got shot in the ass (also foreshadowing that Buck will get not one hole, but four holes in his own ass).
- When Toye punches the German soldier, Winters pats his shoulder, almost in a "Good job, now don't get carried away" way.
- Winters sounds happy for the first time this episode when he tells Buck that the Germans are shooting at each other instead of at Easy.
- Damian does an excellent job reacting to Hall's death. You can see he feels guilty from his face, and from the way that he tries to wave the flies away from Hall.
- Lipton looks so disappointed each time he says he has TNT and it turns out no one needs it.
- Usually when you hear about a leader, they're the first one to arrive, and the last one to leave. The last shot of the battle scene is of Winters being the last one to leave, alone.
- Winters and Nixon look so happy to see each other. It's also one of the first times in this episode that we see Winters relaxed.
- I wish we had seen if Guarnere knew about what had happend to Hall. In the series at least, he seemed to like him in the end.
- I'm glad the truck scene is shown in the credits. It's such a happy scene, and everyone is so relaxed, it's great.
- The Winters/Nixon scene is done really well too. You can see a lot about their friendship from simple bits. Especially when Nixon asks Winters what's bothering him, and then leaves him alone because (as the real Winters says) he understands him and knows that that's what Winters needs.
- It took me a couple of viewings to finally see the cross behind Winters. Nice job camera guys!

...wow. Turned out longer than I'd intended. Oops. =)


skew_whiff January 25 2009, 21:23:52 UTC
Do we see Harry in this episode? We hear Winters saying his name, but I looked for Harry and couldn't find him.

Someone calls "Hey, Harry!", but this is an entirely Harryless episode. And trust me, I've looked. In real life he didn't meet up with Easy until after the stuff at Brecourt Manor had happened, and didn't do any fighting afterwards (as far as I can gather), so it's just that he doesn't fit into the plotline they'd wanted for this episode.

I love Buck's surprise at Popeye's shot to the arse, and Winters' little pat on the shoulder. Both great moments.
And Speirs' arrival is just classic. He's so over the top in this episode - not in his acting, as such, just his sheer ridiculous aggressiveness. This is where they start establishing the legend before we get to meet the real guy.


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