YAY! i'm back!

May 16, 2006 10:50

so0o guys, what's up. i know i said monday, but mondays are just about the busiest days for me, so i'm updating on tuesday. get over it! : )  so i work at griffin technology, i am in accounting of all places. ms berry would shit if she knew that. i handle a large percentage of the accounts. we have accounts that are small, and ones that are very large like target and best buy... i handle almost all of the smaller ones, plus all of our large international distributors. my coworker handles the really big domestic ones, though. it's kinda fun, i get to meet new people all the time, and make international phone calls, try to understand the words coming out of the mouths of the swiss, and be important-ish. i love calling the guys at TNS in Ireland because it reminds me of Boondock Saints... and then i have to go home and watch it again. I actually watched it last night. it's a good movie.

in january,  catherine and i got an apartment together... no parents, no rules... well, there are rules, but we made them up.

we have a temporary roommate, tim.

we have a doggy that is a mix between a catahoula and a pit bull. he chews everything up. but he's getting better.

my cousin tim whom i adore moved down here with his girlfriend susi whom i also adore. and it's so awesome because we used to have to drive for 6 hours to hang out. now, they live in antioch. it's great.

soon, marty whom i also also adore is going to move down here and get a place with our temporary roommate tim. soon everyone we know in indiana will be living in nashville. it's great.

and to all my friends, i do have my own place now, if you ever need a safe haven, just give me a call, or i have no problem if you just drop by. i'll give you directions though if you call.   : ).
i live at ashland hills apartments at the intersection of briley and elm hill pk in the donelson area. so if you're ever near...

my car's messed up right now, but i should have it fixed this weekend...

and *FRIDAY*(trumpets sound--- bamp ba da daaaa!)
30 seconds to mars is playing at city hall, and i get to go see the beauty and talent that makes up Jared Leto.
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