Mar 08, 2005 02:44
I used to think the devil drove a Sedan Deville... I now know that as not being true.
I went for a drive. Took mothers car out... rolled the windows down... put on the Country music... and my arm out the window. Drove not to fast to get pulled over... but not to slow so that I didn't not feel like I was free falling... or flying. I need to clear my mind... to collect my thoughts.
The Police officer at the gas station I pulled into asked me how much of that Country music I could take... I explained I just basically been dumped. He said he was sorry... and that the music I was listening to was only gonna make my mood and night worse. I responded by telling him it was nice to know that they're are people out there with more pathetic lives than me. He said that was very true and laughed, and didn't seem to mind me pulling away with music still pouring loudly out the windows of my car.
I'm not mad, just a little sad. I'm sorry if you felt as though you may have been leaning on me or only would have been. I couldn't say what would have happened if nothing had been said or done. But I think I would have gone on missing you for a long time. And I don't see myself turing away from a friendship I've grown to love... but I'm not going to pretend I won't need to mend first... to be fair to me and you... anything else would be fooling myself, and you. Don't apologize... I told you... I'm happier having something to cry over than not at all. But then again, I will say I wish I hadn't had to cry at all... I did not for see such an abrupt hault so soon. And we both known you'd lost you mind long ago. ;) Guess its my turn.
I'm less upset now... the tears dried up awhile ago, and a little grateful. I never intended for any of this. My lifes plan was thrown of kilter and I started to see less narrow. I started looking ahead of for once instead of straight down. I finally appllied in at Time Communication's and got Krista to put in for me... admitted to myself that Movie Gallery alone was not cutting it. If I wanted to travel great distances, have an able car... and a place of my own I needed to get serious. And even though I saw you there in that ahead, its okay that you won't be... atleast not the way I saw it. I'd like to think you'll always be a part of my ahead and my now. I'd rathered you have told me sooner than later I guess. We all gotta do whats best for our own selfs. And your constantly making me be a better person. Not for you... but because of you. I said that a few days ago to myself... and I still feel that way. I'd liek to think thats something you can be proud of.
I used to hop fences because I always thought the grass was greener on the other side... a few days ago... all I could see around me was the greenest grass... I look around tonight, and as far as my eyes can see... its just dirt. And thats okay... I like it that way. I guess I discovered its better that way... for now.
Gone... gone.... gone.